Please help us raise £10,000 by the countdown deadline!
Read on to find out how you can benefit by getting involved!
Listen to our community leadership being interviewed by BBC Radio Northampton! Share this on social media too...
Our goal is £10,000. Please help us smash this target and make a difference.
Watch this space for more progress updates!
Update 03: As at 5th of November 2023 we have raised just over £2,650 after some internal delays to the project! Thank you to all our kind supporters. We still have a long way to go so do encourage you to offer us even more support. Help us spread the word to make a difference. Kadoo nu!
Update 02: As at 5th of March 2023 we have raised just over £2,250! Thank you to all our amazing supporters. We still have a long way to go so do encourage you to offer us some more support. Kadoo!
Update 01: As at 5th of November 2022 we have raised just over £1,000! Thanks to all our wonderful supporters. Kadoo!
Got questions or comments? To contact us securely via our website, CLICK HERE
We are a progressive community group comprising of people based in the UK and Ireland with roots in an ancient kingdom called Umuabi which is based in what is now known as South Eastern Nigeria in West Africa!
Living in the diaspora, it is important for people of all ages and walks of life, to learn or re-learn their native language, norms and values. In a very challenging and unpredictable world, community networks, resources, activities and events are also essential to our health, wealth, happiness and longevity.
That's why we offer a range of social support programs to help people engage with their culture and advance in all areas of life. For example, educational, cultural and social events, with interactive networking opportunities, which are open to the public. Some special events are exclusive to our members only.
We also do charity projects back in our homeland in Africa. For instance we recently raised over £7,500 and project managed the extensive refurbishing of a community maternity health centre in Umuabi! We hope to do more work in the maternity centre and in other areas of rural development as well.
We are now launching our Community Magazine and Ecommerce Store in order to raise further funds which will allow us grow our operations, help more people as much as possible and inspire other community groups. This is a Social Enterprise. This means that by supporting us, you can get valuable products and services while helping us make a difference - all at the same time!
Customer Review: 5 Stars
"I really enjoyed receiving and reading Umuabi's Historic Community Magazine!
A very clear and easy to read production, packed with interesting and educative content with vibrant photographs.
This effort is worth encouraging. Please keep it up." Moses Nwokeforo, President of Igbo People's Union, UK
Above: Sample pages from Community Magazine (The Historic First Ever Edition). See below to get your copies now!
Above: Sample pages from Community Magazine (The Historic First Ever Edition). See below to get your copies now!
Above: Sample pages from Community Magazine (The Historic First Ever Edition). See below to get your copies now!
Would you like to support our mission of learning culture and building better communities? Then you can now do so through one or more of the following 3 Fundraising Avenues!
This is really the fastest and easiest way to support us (if you are not really interested in getting any products, services or gifts in return for your donation). It is an option we have provided due to popular demand. We would appreciate any general donations toward our fundraising goal and you can also find our bank payment details below if you prefer to do a direct bank transfer!
Account #: 2389 1909 Sort Code: 20 89 56
Bank Name: Barclays Reference: GWDONATE
Account Name: Umuabi Sons and Daughters UK and Ireland
Please remember to send proof of bank transfer to us afterwards if you would like your donation acknowledged.
Packed with very interesting, historical and inspirational content designed to foster better communities as well as happier, healthier and wealthier citizens, this magazine is professionally put together and available in a glossy print edition!
Order your copy of this historic, first ever, global magazine from Umuabi to help us make a difference!
A. Mbido - The Humble Mite: £25
For this you will get:
B. Anwuli - The Happy Gift: £50
For this you will get:
C. Obioma - The Giver's Delight: £100
For this you will get:
D. Obiora - Making A Big Difference: £250 or More
For this you will get:
NOTE: We post to UK mainland mostly, please contact us to enquire if you are based elsewhere. As we are a small team of unpaid volunteers, do allow up to 2 weeks to get your delivery. If you can only donate in Naira or some other currency, do contact us beforehand. Donors of £250 or more will be contacted specially to organise the receipt of apparel and any relevant perks. Thank you.
👇👇 Please Click On The Paypal Donate Button Below To Get Your Copies of Community Magazine! 👈👈
Want to support us by shopping in our store? Thank you!
Just select the number of £20 goodwill donation vouchers you wish to purchase below and you will be directed to our secure online store so you can checkout right away or continue shopping other items (such as tee shirts, hoodies, sports bags and more)!
We are Umuabi UK and Ireland. We say KADOO. Thanking you in advance for your support and hope you visit again!