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* Goodwill Donation! *

  • $62.00

Want to help us make a difference? Prefer to maximise your contribution? You can now give a goodwill donation of £50 or more to help us fund a range of social programs and community development initiatives. 

For example, to give £500, order £50 x 10. To give £300, order £50 x 6. All donations will be applied in the areas where help is needed most. Thank you for your support! 


In December 2020, amidst a global lockdown due to the Covid-19 crisis, The Kadoo Collection and this online store emerged! 

Our community non profit went from being in a lockdown wondering how to make a difference in the lives of others to creating an e-commerce brand in less than 4 weeks! 

Proceeds from sales help us raise funds for the community group's projects e.g. a range of one-to-one social support interventions and events for individuals based in the UK and Ireland. 

We also do charitable work in Africa. For instance, we recently raised over £7,500 as well as project managing the extensive refurbishing of a community maternity health centre in order to improve the quality of life for multitude of pregnant women, babies and mothers for generations! 

Do sign up to our free newsletter to keep up to date with our projects and initiatives. KADOO xx 


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