About Us!

Ndewo! Welcome to our website. 

Once upon a time...


After many years apart, the descendants of an ancient people, originating from Umuabi, in what is now known as Enugu State within Nigeria and West Africa, reunited with their kindred scattered far and wide throughout the UK and Ireland.  


For the first time in human history, the entire world was on lockdown due to Covid 19. 


Streets were deserted, businesses were shut down and families were torn apart.  However, they were determined to connect, celebrate life, enjoy culture and most importantly, make a positive difference in the lives of others. 


It was an exciting time and sharing words of appreciation, they greeted themselves with a word unique to their mother tongue. Kadoo, meaning thank you. 


This greeting, Kadoo, soon became a representation of the values they held dearly as they built bridges and launched a charitable community group. Afterall, everyone deserves thanks for a job well done.  


In a short while, they felt moved to share these same values with the world through culturally inspired apparel, lifestyle and information products. 


So in December 2020, The Kadoo Collection and an online store emerged! This community non profit went from being in a global lockdown wondering what to do next to creating an e-commerce brand in less than 4 weeks! 



Proceeds from sales will help raise funds for the community group's projects e.g. a range of social support programs and events for individuals based in the UK and Ireland. Some events and initiatives are open to the general public and others are member exclusive support programs. 


Umuabi UK and Ireland also does charitable work in Africa e.g. raising over £7,500 as well as project managing the refurbishing of a community maternity home in order to improve the quality of life for multitude of pregnant women, babies and mothers for generations! Afterall, healthy families build healthy communities and healthy families begin at birth. 




Do sign up to our EMAIL LIST HERE to get alerts on special offers as well as keep up to date with our projects and initiatives!   


We are now on Social Media! Follow us on Instagram here! www.instagram.com/umuabiuki/


Look out for more media updates coming soon... 




Sign up for our EMAIL UPDATES HERE to get an introductory special offer plus sales alerts for up to 50% off in our shop sales. But that's not all. As an email subscriber, you'll also receive priority updates on our future special offers and community initiatives! 


We hope you enjoy shopping in our store and feel inspired by the items you order from us. Don't forget to share our story with your loved ones - you can do so easily by sharing a link to this web page with them. 




All of the intellectual property on this site (e.g. designs and other forms of content) belong to the respective creators and copyright owners according to UK laws. 


You can read the relevant terms and conditions which govern the usage of this website in the footer area below. 


Continuing to use this site implies an acceptance of all its relevant terms and conditions. 




Are you from Umuabi Ezike? Are you based in the UK or Ireland? Do you want to find out more about our community group, enquire about membership or support us in any other way? 


Click Here To Contact Us Now. Kadoo!

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