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Achieve Your Goals Faster - Motivational Action Planning WorkBook

  • $13.00

Do you have positive goals, ambitions and desires? Would you like to achieve results faster and easier than ever before? Productive people are more likely to succeed in life and productive people make productive communities. 


"An often-cited study done by Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at Dominican University of California, shows the true power of writing down your goals.

Matthew’s sample group included men and women, ages 23 to 72, from around the world and all walks of life: Entrepreneurs, educators, health care professionals, artists, lawyers and bankers. 

She divided the participants into two groups: Those who wrote down their goals and those who didn’t. The results were clear: Participants who wrote down their goals achieved those desires at a significantly higher level than those who didn’t.

In fact, she found that you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams, simply by writing them down on a daily basis." Excerpt from an article published by CNBC.COM 

INTRODUCING: The Achieve Your Goals Faster - Motivational Action Planning WorkBook [The Premium Edition] - 15 pages 


  • Access to a motivational mini workbook with powerful tips to help you achieve your goals ASAP! 15 page version. 
  • Action planning sheets for writing down your most important life, career or business goals!
  • Words of wisdom from various cultures to inspire and motivate you!
  • Faster and better results potentially as it has been proven that people who write down their goals are more likely to achieve those goals!
  • Typable ebook you can use on your laptop computer or mobile device over and over again!
  • Ability to save what you type in the ebook workbook (make sure to save before closing the file)

Productive people make productive communities. This ebook is part of our 'Healthy, Wealthy and Wise Community' ebook series! More ebooks coming soon! 


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  • GUARANTEE: We deliver as advertised or refund your money in full ASAP (no later than 30 days).  

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to being of service. 


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